Telling Israel the killing must stop in Gaza is not antisemitic

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According to Israel all criticism of their murderous ways are antisemitic – just unbelievable that so many accept it – Mark

The lack of any middle ground in commentary about Gaza is striking. Advocates press hard for their side without conceding any ground to the other. Emotions are raw and, even though Australia is far removed physically from the conflict, in an era where identity is king, complex issues are simplified and assertions amplified. There is little effort towards, or room for, reasoned debate. It is with this in mind that I read with some concern Mike Kelly’s opinion piece in which he essentially accused the Australian government of antisemitism.
Let me say at the start that I am neither Jewish nor Muslim, not a friend of Israel or Palestine, nor an enemy of either. I am also not a member of any political party. I follow the region with an academic interest and professional military background. I can find strong arguments to support certain positions of both sides, but also gaping holes in the logic of both.
There is no doubt that the October 7 Hamas-led operation was an abhorrent terrorist attack and Israel was completely justified in responding. I also acknowledge that, as a state actor, Israel is – fairly or unfairly – held to a higher standard than its largely non-state adversaries in conducting military operations. It also, fairly or unfairly, enjoys the unwavering military and political support of the world’s only real military superpower. That gives it a freedom of action not enjoyed by any other regional actor.

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