Tag: christians and muslims

Miko Peled speaks to Father Dave

I first met Miko in person in 2011 when he came to Sydney. It was part of a world-wide tour, promoting his book – “The General’s Son”. I had actually dropped round to his home in San Diego some

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Hope for Gaza

I’m keen to share the following article by my friend, Dr Chandra Muzaffar. It’s one of the only words of hope that I’ve heard in response to the verdict of the International Criminal Court’s in their case against Israel.

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South Africa seeks justice for Gaza

I’m republishing this post from my friend, Dr Chandra Muzaffar – president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST). Chandra has been a long-term advocate for Palestine and is one of the best-informed people on the subject that I have ever met. Father Dave

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Father Dave

Anglican Priest, Professional Boxer,Social activist and Father of four


My Personal Favourites
