Thank God for them – Mark
A New Poll of Public Opinion was conducted in five European countries, including Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden, by the international polling company Yougov Plc and commissioned by us at the PIPD.
The polls shows that at least half of people in voting age support a ban on arms trade with Israel (Italy-65%, Belgium-62%, Sweden-50%, France-51%, Germany-49%), while a significant amount are aware of claims that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, and think the claims are true (Italy-49%, Sweden-46%, Belgium-43%, France-34%, Germany-33%).
The poll also shows there is a clear generational dimension, with the younger people (18-24 years old) – also known as “Gen Z” – being more conscious of the undermining of Palestinian rights by Israel including genocide, supporting ban of arms trade and recognizing censorship of social media platforms, of issues related to censorship and the link between the Palestinian question with global issues such as the “fight for equality” and “freedom”.
Generally, sanctions against Israel meet large approval particularly banning arms trade [Italy-65%, Belgium- 62%, France-51%, Sweden-50%, Germany-50%] and prosecuting Israeli officials for war crimes [Italy-62%, Belgium- 61%, Germany -51%, France-51%, Sweden-49%].
More people think their government is currently more supportive of Israel (except Belgium-16%) [Germany- 44%, France-29%, Italy-36%, Sweden-25%] than Palestine and more people think their government should either be more supportive of Palestinians or have a balanced stance [Belgium-45%, Germany-49%, France-43%, Italy-52%, Sweden-48% rather than support Israel.
The poll also finds that people believe there is censorship from the part of social media platforms on content by Palestinians and/or criticizing Israel, while in most countries (except Sweden), more people perceive their media coverage is more biased towards Israel [Germany-30%, Belgium-23%, France-30%, Italy-36%, Sweden-18%] rather than being impartial [Germany-30%, Belgium-24%, France-18%, Italy-21%, Sweden-28%] or biased towards Palestinians [Germany-9%, Belgium- 21%, France-10%, Italy-9%, Sweden-24%].
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