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In defiance of international rulings to boycott Israel for its ongoing violence and brutal occupation of Palestinian lands, Australia’s exports to Israel have increased by 20% in 12 months.

by Kellie Tranter | 26 Mar, 2025 | Arms TradeGazagenocideIsraelPalestine

Politics over humanity – Mark

This month Israel unilaterally breached its US ‘guaranteed” ceasefire agreement with Hamas. Without a trace of humanity, it resumed its wholesale murderous slaughter of Palestinian civilians, including killing 174 children with bombs in one night with countless others requiring amputations without anaesthesia. It also launched policies calculated to deprive all residents of Gaza of essentials including food, water, sanitary services and electricity. 

Every human being with a trace of morality or humanity should be appalled, and most people of the world probably are, yet our government doesn’t seem to be so afflicted. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data Australia’s exports to Israel throughout the genocide – everything from coal to copper – have continued, and still continue, unabated.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) export data obtained by Declassified Australia shows that the value of Australia’s exports to Israel in the year 2024 exceeded $500 million, up on the 2023 year export value figure of $419 million (Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade).


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