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from the
Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network (PIEN)

Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network
On 2nd August 2024, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, issued a strong
statement regarding the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
In it, he said, in part:
… it is clear to me that the regime imposed by successive Israeli governments in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories is one of systematic discrimination. Through many strategies, the state of
Israel has been denying the Palestinian people dignity, freedom and hope. …it is clear that ending
the occupation is a legal and moral necessity.
The Archbishop issued the statement following the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Ruling
(19th July) that Israel’s occupation of and settlements within the Palestinian Territories are illegal
under international law. As such, all nations and organisations have a legal responsibility to refrain
from all dealings with Israel that could support Israel’s unlawful presence in the Palestinian
Occupied Territories and to hold Israel accountable to international law.
Churches have an undeniable responsibility to do so.
Christian leaders in Jerusalem have repeatedly called for the global church to condemn the
occupation of Palestinian territories and to call for all parties to support a ceasefire. The Open
Letter from Palestinian Christians on 20 October 2023 stated:
“We come alongside fellow Christians in condemning all attacks on civilians, especially defenseless
families and children. Yet, we are disturbed by the silence of many church leaders and theologians
when it is Palestinian civilians who are killed. We are also horrified by the refusal of some western
Christians to condemn the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine, and, in some instances, their
justification of and support for the occupation…”.
Palestinian Theologian Rev. Dr Munther Isaac from Bethlehem has commented that the bible is
being weaponised to support a genocide, and many Christians do not see the humanity of
Palestinians because of Christian Zionist theology. Listen to his profound and insightful talk Silence
is Complicity, when he spoke to a US church on the 14th August 2024.
This cry of Palestinian Christians to the global church has been echoing for years with many
Christians heeding their cry.
Many churches, especially in the United States of America, have already taken significant action:
▪ In 2015, the United Churches of Christ (USA) voted to divest from companies profiting from
Israel’s military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
▪ In 2016, the Alliance of Baptists (USA) affirmed “the use of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
(BDS) strategies and comprehensive education and advocacy programs to end the military
occupation of Palestinian land”.
▪ The World Communion of Reformed Churches in 2017 called its members to “examine their
mission, education and investment relationships with Israel and Palestine in the light of …
commitments to human rights and the protection of international law”.
▪ In 2018 the Quakers (UK) voted not to invest funds in companies profiting from the Israeli
occupation of Palestine.
▪ In 2018, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in the USA voted to divest from
companies involved in Israel’s violation of Palestinian human rights.
▪ In 2022 Presbyterian Church (USA) decisively declared that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian
people constitutes apartheid and called all its members “to seek appropriate ways to bring an
end to Israel’s apartheid” and in 2024, they voted to divest from Israel Bonds and to reject
Christian Zionism.
▪ In 2022, the World Council of Churches Assembly affirmed that “the Israeli occupation of the
Palestinian territories since 1967, as well as settlement construction and expansion in the
occupied territories, is illegal under international law and must be ended.”
▪ In 2024, the United Methodist Church (USA) voted to divest from Israel bonds.
A number of statements have likewise been issued, especially since 7th October 2023. See this
compiled list of ecumenical and church statements from around the world.
It is beyond time for Churches in Australia to take meaningful and appropriate action.
Therefore, we call on Australian Churches:
➢ to issue a public statement calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an easing of tensions in
the Middle East, and the observance of international law;
➢ to urge the Australian Government to take meaningful action to sanction the State of Israel in
the light of the International Court of Justice’s judgement;
➢ to divest from any companies that are assisting or profiting from Israel’s occupation of
Palestinian land;
➢ to provide educational and worship resources for local congregations to be informed and to
pray for peace in the Holy Land. Useful resources are provided by the World Council of Churches
each year to mark the World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel.
PIEN is more than happy to enter into further dialogue with you around the above-mentioned
actions and the current catastrophic situation facing Gazans in particular. Your Palestinian Christian
siblings in Christ are crying out, please don’t turn away.
We would be grateful if you could please share any statements or resolutions, you or your church
decides to make.
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of PIEN
Revd Dr Ray Williamson OAM (PIEN Vice President)
Nell Potter (Executive Officer)
Australian Christians who seek lasting peace for the people of Palestine and Israel.
We aim to equip and inform Australian churches, inspired by Christ’s vision for universal reconciliation.
E contact@pien.org.au W www.pien.org.au ABN 84169299819 ACNC A00977033P

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