Author: fatherdave

Miko Peled speaks to Father Dave

I first met Miko in person in 2011 when he came to Sydney. It was part of a world-wide tour, promoting his book – “The General’s Son”. I had actually dropped round to his home in San Diego some

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Issrael weaponises water

Israel Weaponizes Water

Thousands Have Lived without Love, but Not One without Water – Israel is using water as a weapon in its war of aggression against Palestinians by denying access and destroying infrastructure.

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Israel is starving Gaza

By Israel attacking known humanitarian sites, such as food centers, schools and clinics, the IDF is declaring that there is nowhere safe in Gaza, or in southern Gaza, where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had instructed all civilians to gather for safety.

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There is no healthcare system left in Gaza

Before becoming one of the world’s foremost journalists and commentators on international affairs, Chris Hedges was ordained as a Minister in the Presbyterian Church. Apparently, they didn’t have a posting for him in the warzone where he wanted to work. As ever, he offers us the truths that none of us want to hear and that the powerful do not want to be spoken. God bless you, brother, for forcing us to see the horrors of Gaza. Dave The Silence of the Damned There is no

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Omar Suleiman on Gaza

Omar Suleiman is an American Muslim scholar, civil rights activist, public speaker, and author. He is also a Palestinian. He speaks with insight and passion on the genocide in Gaza – not saying anything radically new but articulating the case for Palestine in a way that is both moving and compelling. The interview goes for more than two hours but is well worth the time invested. Dave

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A prophetic word on Gaza from Dr Ralph Wilde

Dr. Ralph Wilde is a member of the Faculty of Laws at University College London. He is currently engaged in an interdisciplinary research project, funded by the European Research Council, on the extraterritorial application of international human rights law, called ‘human rights beyond borders’.

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Father Dave

Anglican Priest, Professional Boxer,Social activist and Father of four


My Personal Favourites
