On February 17th, the City of Sydney council passed a motion confirming it does not and will not fund or invest in companies complicit in Israeli settlements.
By Purny Ahmed and Emilie Garcia-DolnikFebruary 18, 2025
Finally Sydney does something direct and honest – Mark
On February 17th, the City of Sydney council passed a motion confirming it does not and will not fund or invest in companies complicit in Israeli settlements. The motion follows a comprehensive investigation into all investments and contracts initiated in June 2024.
The council further voted to reaffirm its policies to avoid investments, suppliers, and companies that abuse human rights.
Investigations were launched in June 2024, after the Council passed a Greens motion in favour of a ‘review and report’ on suppliers and investors “to ensure that Council [was] not purchasing from companies involved in weapons or human rights abuses.”
The motion entailed that the council would both investigate and report on investments by companies complicit with human rights abuses, as well as recommend changes to avoid purchasing from associated companies in future. Investments and contracts were reviewed against the UN database list of 97 countries with both direct and indirect profit from Israeli settlements. The list includes companies such as Airbnb, Booking.com, and TripAdvisor.
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