IDF’s Daniel Hagari appears to question stated goal of destroying Hamas, in political rift with Benjamin Netanyahu

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Come on Benjamin don’t let any possible sensible thoughts divert you from your murderous Genocidal goal – Mark

Israel’s chief army spokesman has appeared to question the stated goal of destroying the Hamas militant group in Gaza in an apparent rare public rift between the country’s political and military leadership.
Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the face of the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) daily war briefings and military videos, made the comments during an interview on Israeli TV on Wednesday.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted Israel will pursue the fight to “destroy Hamas”, the group running the besieged Gaza Strip, until its military and governing capabilities in the Palestinian territory are eliminated.
But with the war now in its ninth month, frustration has been mounting with no clear end or postwar plan in sight.
“This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear — it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public,” Mr Hagari told Israel’s Channel 13 TV.
“Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people — whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong.”
He warned the group will remain in control of the Gaza Strip unless Israel “develops something else to replace it”.
“Something that will make the population realise that someone else is distributing the food, someone else is taking care of public services … to really weaken Hamas, this is the way,” he said.

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Father Dave

Anglican Priest, Professional Boxer,Social activist and Father of four


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