by Jonathan Kuttab
In the midst of the horrific situation in Gaza and throughout Palestine/Israel, it is foolish to be optimistic. Even asking for the minimal requirement of a ceasefire and of free access to basic humanitarian needs such as food, water, medical supplies, and respite from the harrowing onslaught, seems to meet with resistance and a stubborn insistence on continuing the onslaught ‘til “final victory,” whatever that means, with no thought or plans to pursue a good future for either Palestinians or Israeli Jews. Powerful forces, even church leaders, seem to be reluctant to challenge the prevailing narrative or risk their relations with those in power. For many of us, it takes great effort and courage to even listen to the news and witness the ongoing horrors that appear to have no end.
Yet we at FOSNA have always maintained that there is a difference between optimism and hope. While we cannot predict any happy outcomes in the near future and are full of a lament over the suffering of Palestinians as well as the Israeli captives and of the general population of the region, we are full of hope that military power shall not have the last word, that a just God and his righteous people will in the end prevail, and that a better future of coexistence with peace, justice, and prosperity is not only possible but is the ultimate goal and inevitable outcome once we pass through this valley of death, destruction, and tears.
This hope is grounded both in our faith in a just God who is ultimately in control of human affairs and also in a deep understanding of the nature of things and of history that is not blinded by the current balance of power. Our vision is informed by an understanding of the unsustainability of the current situation, the movement of the arch of history that bends towards justice, and the example of other apparently hopeless struggles which eventually triumphed: from the end of slavery, the successful civil rights movement, the defeat of the apartheid regime in South Africa, advances in human rights and freedom struggles all over the globe, the struggles for equality for women and minorities, and so on.
Yet, as people endeavor to maintain their sanity and persevere against what looks to be insurmountable obstacles and impossible odds, it is sometimes helpful to observe the hints and signs we see that affirm our faith, justify our hope, and sustain us in our struggle.
As such, I have decided to list here some signs of hope (some of them quite paradoxical) both large and small that keep me going:
- The resilience of the Palestinian people, despite everything. The Zionist hope that “the old will die away and the young will forget” has proven wrong yet again. Palestinian youth today, in the face of great adversity are clearer than ever about their identity.
- The Nakba is more known and recognized now than ever before. Israeli myths surrounding what happened in 1948 are being challenged and debunked.
- The failure of vastly superior Israeli weaponry and armed technology to crush Palestinian resistance. While the Israeli army has wreaked untold destruction on Palestinian civilians, their homes, economy, universities, hospitals, culture and institutions, there is an increasing awareness that violence alone is not and cannot be the answer (for either party). Neither military power nor armed resistance will ever be able to end the problem or achieve security for Israelis or liberation for Palestinians.
- The political awakening of the Arab American and Palestinian American population, who are beginning to find their voice, and who for the first time in their history are becoming a factor in American politics. The “uncommitted “ vote, first in Michigan and followed by other states, shows that together with their progressive allies this group is finally becoming a force in US electoral politics that cannot be ignored.
- Massive protests in Europe, the majority of the world, and the United States are calling for a ceasefire and for justice for Palestinians and this is beginning to impact politicians who are still hell bent on supporting Israeli apartheid policies.
- Protests at US Colleges and Universities, including many Jewish students and faculty are increasing, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. They are being met with police repression. There are even threats to call in the national guard. Reminiscent of anti-Vietnam War protests.
- The increase in numbers and vocal presence of Jewish Americans protesting and distancing themselves from Israeli policies and the clarity they have on the distinction between antisemitism and anti-Zionism. Organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now, and Not in our Name are reporting massive increases in their numbers and activities.
- The reports that younger evangelicals are increasingly disenchanted with the state of Israel and no longer approve of Christian Zionist positions in the same proportions as their elders.
- The accelerating openly racist legislation and actions of the Israeli government and its settlers. This is paradoxically a sign of hope as it strips the façade of liberality and exposes blatant Jewish supremacy inherent in the Zionist ideology as implemented in Israel. It is also a sign of hope that Israel openly espouses these views which are incompatible with its claim to democratic liberalism.
- The openly fascist and genocidal language prevalent in Israel regarding the genocide in Gaza which shows absolute lack of empathy with Palestinians and their suffering also paradoxically is a sign of hope as Israeli society sinks further into policies and positions that lack any justification outside the narrow confines of Jewish supremacy and arrogance. The cries for more destruction and vengeance seem to be matched by further weakening of democratic institutions, and freedoms for Israelis as well.
- Increased recognition that “normalization” even with undemocratic regimes in the Arab world cannot proceed without a Palestinian component of justice and recognition of Palestinians national rights.
- Increased support for a one state solution where Jews and Arabs can live in equality, security and prosperity.
These broad principles are reinforced by small events we hear daily that show them to be true and increasingly powerful challenges to the status quo as new groups appear in unexpected quarters calling for justice and challenging the power dynamics:
- A Jewish Israeli from Kibbutz Be’eri whose father was killed on October 7 in Gaza stated that he did not want his father’s death to be used politically, that he looked forward to an end to the fighting and for a new reality where his father’s dreams of peace with just could be realized
- A local Lancaster Pennsylvania newspaper (LNP) reported that a new group urging Democrats to vote “uncommitted” on their primary ballots to protest Biden’s policy in Gaza held a rally where they claimed that they had contacted 250,000 Pennsylvania voters with their message calling for a ceasefire, and threatening not to vote for Biden in the upcoming elections.
- A 94-year-old lady in Pennsylvania wrote a letter to her pastor that calling his flock to “pray for the safety of people in Jerusalem” made little sense, since they were relatively safe compared to the people of Gaza who really needed prayers for their safety these days.