Israel-Gaza war: Bodies of Gaza girl, ambulance team trapped under Israeli fire found after 12 days

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ABC | 11 February 2024

This is pure evil. Israel / Netanyahu invites an ambulance to rescue a small innocent child and then orders the murder of the child and the ambulance staff – it can only be evil at work – Mark

Relatives have found the body of a six-year-old Palestinian girl who had begged Gaza rescuers to send help after being trapped by Israeli military fire, along with the bodies of five of her family members and two ambulance workers who had gone to save her.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society accused Israel of deliberately targeting the ambulance it sent to rescue Hind Rajab after she had spent hours on the phone to dispatchers begging for help with the sound of shooting echoing around.

“The occupation deliberately targeted the Red Crescent crew despite prior coordination to allow the ambulance to arrive at the site to rescue Hind,” the Red Crescent said in a statement.

Israel’s military did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment on the Red Crescent statement.

Family members found Hind’s body along with those of her uncle and aunt and their three children still in a car near a roundabout in the Tel al-Hawa suburb of Gaza City in the north of Gaza, the official Palestinian Wafa news agency reported.

Another of Hind’s uncles, Sameeh Hamadeh, said the car was peppered with bullet holes.

The PCRS released a photo of the ambulance, seen almost completely burned out. Al Jazeera footage of the scene appeared to show the ambulance only steps away from the car they said the family was in, a damaged black Kia Picanto riddled with bullet holes.

The plight of Hind, revealed in harrowing audio clips of her terrified conversation with rescue workers 12 days ago, underlined the impossible conditions for civilians in the face of Israel’s four-month assault on Gaza.

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Father Dave

Anglican Priest, Professional Boxer,Social activist and Father of four


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