Labor MP Josh Wilson decries lack of ceasefire in Gaza amid ‘unconscionable suffering’

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Daniel Hurst

Well done Josh – I wonder if anybody from Dutton’s lot will listen – Mark

The Labor MP Josh Wilson described Israel’s bombardment of Gaza as “unconscionable” in a speech shortly before question time.

Wilson, a backbencher, said it was “heartbreaking to learn this morning that the prospect of a ceasefire in the awful war in Gaza will not proceed at this time”, referring to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rejection of the terms of a potential deal proposed by Hamas.

Wilson said this “means more than 100 Israeli hostages remain in captivity”. He said it was “abhorrent that they were ever taken” and said these hostages “should have been freed unconditionally on every day since the Hamas terrorist attacks on 7 October”.

Wilson told the house:

It means the unconscionable bombardment and suffering of the people with Gaza will continue. That’s unacceptable. Australia has joined other nations in calling on all sides to deliver a ceasefire.

Every country has the right and obligation to defend its citizens but not every military action constitutes self-defence. The wholesale destruction of Gaza is not self-defence.

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Father Dave

Anglican Priest, Professional Boxer,Social activist and Father of four


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