‘Not over yet’: Israel mobilises for growing conflict after Iran attack

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(The Age, 15/4/2024)

Israel really needs this war to get the Allies back on side and divert attention away from Gaza – Mark

Israel is mobilising for a growing conflict in the Middle East after Iran launched more than 300 drones and missiles in a direct strike on Israeli territory, fuelling talk of a counter-attack and triggering an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council.
The attack has raised the prospect of a military escalation as the Israeli war cabinet debates its next move and US President Joe Biden pledges “ironclad” support for Israel and holds talks with G7 leaders to ensure a united diplomatic response.
But the Australian response to the attack revealed the deepening political divide over the Middle East. Labor condemned Iran, the Coalition demanded stronger support for Israel and the Greens took aim at military suppliers who help the Israel Defence Forces.
Peak members of the Australian Jewish community said the attack was proof that Iran was trying to “set the region on fire” by spreading terror into other countries, while the Australian National Imams Council called on the government to avoid taking positions in the conflict.
The Israeli military shot down most of the drones and missiles during hours of aerial bombardment on Sunday morning (AEST), helped by the US as well as the UK, France and Jordan.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared the country for a response to the drone and missile strike, the first time Iran has launched a direct assault on Israeli territory after decades of conflict.
“Whoever harms us, we will harm them,” Netanyahu said.
“We will defend ourselves against any threat and will do so level-headedly and with determination.”

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Father Dave

Anglican Priest, Professional Boxer,Social activist and Father of four


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