Civil Services in Gaza

Court rules Israel presence ‘unlawful’

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Israel announces largest Palestinian land grab in over 30 years

An Israeli settlement watchdog reports that 2024 marks ‘the peak’ of land seizures, with a total of about 2,370 hectares seized this year The illegal occupation goes on despite everything – Israel’s Genocide has a dual benefit – murder Palestinians and steal land – Mark The Israeli government has seized about 2,370 hectares of land in the occupied West Bank this year alone, culminating in the largest land grab in over three decades, according to an Israeli settlement watchdog. The anti-settlement group Peace Now reported on Wednesday that Israeli

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Gaza toll could exceed 186,000, Lancet study says

The study finds factors like diseases will lead to many more indirect deaths in the long run even if the war stops now. Well Netanyahu and Biden must be delighted!! Mark The accumulative effects of Israel’s war on Gaza could mean the true death toll could reach more than 186,000 people, according to a study published in the journal Lancet. According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, more than 38,000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched its military offensive on October 7 in the wake

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July 11th, 2024 Last week, the Israeli army ordered a mass evacuation of approximately 250,000 Palestinians in Gaza, a sign that troops are likely to launch a new ground assault. At least 1.9 million Palestinians in Gaza have been displaced for several times. Israel continues its intense attacks all over Gaza, killing indiscriminately. Since the 7th of October, the death toll in Gaza is at least 38,000, with thousands more injured and missing. No where is safe in Gaza.     • Emmanuel, where are you? You

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The reason why this world is going to ‘hell in a hand cart’ is because there are not enough brave politicians who care about actual people rather than power and greed – all blessings

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For over 300 days, brave Palestinian truth tellers in Gaza have been a voice to the voiceless. These truth tellers come in the form of journalists and social media influencers who have been

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In the last few months, the international community has been increasingly worried that the Palestinian Authority (PA) might collapse in a few months. Several factors, such as lack of

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Father Dave

Anglican Priest, Professional Boxer,Social activist and Father of four


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