The Age & Sydney Morning Herald / Reuters, AP | 18 February 2024

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Partners in crime – one calls for peace whilst arming the other who calls for mass murder and genocide – God help the world – Mark

The Biden administration is preparing to send bombs and other weapons to Israel that would add to its military arsenal even as the US pushes for a ceasefire in Gaza, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing current and former US officials.

The proposed arms delivery includes MK-82 bombs and KMU-572 joint direct attack munitions that add precision guidance to bombs, and FMU-139 bomb fuses, the Journal reported, adding that the value is estimated to be ‘‘tens of millions of dollars’’.

Details of the delivery came as Gaza’s largest functioning hospital was under siege by Israeli forces, leaving patients and doctors helpless in the chaos, and warplanes struck Rafah, the last refuge for Palestinians in the enclave, officials said.

Israeli forces remained in Nasser Hospital in the town of Khan Younis after raiding it early on Friday. The Gaza Health Ministry said five intensive care patients died due to power outages and lack of oxygen supply caused by the attack.

Israel said it moved into the hospital because Hamas militants were hiding there. The Israeli military said its troops detained more than 20 militants in the hospital who participated in the October 7 attacks on Israel and dozens of others for questioning. Hamas denies there were militants in the hospital, describing the claim as ‘‘lies aimed to cover up for destroying hospitals.’’

The Gaza Health Ministry said the hospital lost power and remained without electricity, jeopardising patient care. But the Israeli military said it repaired one generator and provided another, ensuring ‘‘all vital systems continued to operate’’.

The ministry said Israeli forces inside Nasser Hospital forced women and children into the maternity department, which it turned into a military area. Women were not allowed to take any of their belongings.

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Father Dave

Anglican Priest, Professional Boxer,Social activist and Father of four


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