UN Agency ‘Banned’ From Delivering Aid To Starving

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The Australian / AFP |26 March 2024

Everybody who has even the smallest knowledge of the situation in Gaza knows that Israel is starving men, women and children to death as part of their plans to destroy all Palestinians – not only in this Genocide in Gaza but in the Genocide it has inflicted on the West Bank since 1967 – yet Netanyahu is still allowed to lead Israel for his own ends – come on Israeli’s wake up and throw this war criminal out – Mark

Everybody who has even the smallest knowledge of the situation in Gaza knows that Israel is starving men, women and children to death as part of their plans to destroy all Palestinians – not only in this Genocide in Gaza but in the Genocide it has inflicted on the West Bank since 1967 – yet Netanyahu is still allowed to lead Israel for his own ends – come on Israeli’s wake up and throw this war criminal out – Mark

Gaza Strip: The UN agency for Palestinian refugees says Israel has definitively barred it from making aid deliveries in northern Gaza, where the threat of famine is highest.
Despite the tragedy unfolding under our watch, the Israeli Authorities informed the UN that they will no longer approve any @UNRWA food convoys to the north,” agency chief Philippe Lazzarini said on Sunday.
“This is outrageous & makes it intentional to obstruct lifesaving assistance during a man made famine.”
Israel did not respond to a ­request for comment.
UNRWA director of communications Juliette Touma said the decision had been relayed in a meeting with Israeli military officials on Sunday and followed two denials in writing for convoy ­deliveries to the north last week.
UN-backed food security ­assessment warned last week that famine was projected to hit the north of Gaza by May unless there was urgent intervention.
UNRWA has not been able to ­deliver food to the north since January 29. “The latest decision is another nail in the coffin” for ­efforts to get desperately needed aid to Gazans reeling from war, Ms Touma said.

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Father Dave

Anglican Priest, Professional Boxer,Social activist and Father of four


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