You’re invited: White House – New York – London

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Peer, we’re invited – White House, New York, and London

Peace, Roy

White House – New York – London​STOP-USAid-to-Israel/222256727​814644

Dear Friends,
We would like to invite you to join our demonstrations in front of the White House on September 10th and in front of the United Nations building in New York on September 15th. The purpose of these demonstrations is to declare opposition to US aid to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

American tax dollars go toward supporting an illegal and humiliating occupation of Palestinian land; the construction of illegal settlements; the annexation of Palestinian farmland; the purchase of weapons and arms used in night raids and military strikes. Right now your money finds its way to this part of the world where children and innocent civilians are killed, injured, and made to suffer. It also empowers the Israeli government to further ignore international law and perpetuate its intransigence.
These demonstrations in September will tell the US government to stop supporting this occupation and stand up for justice and freedom in Palestine.

The popular comittees-Palestine asks all those who support peace and justice in Palestine to organise demonstrations in September 10 outside the US embassies of their countries calling for the end of US aid to Israel. Demonstrations are already planned in front of the White House on September 10th and in front of the United Nations bu…ilding in New York on September 15th, but to be successful we need to globalise the resistance.

American tax dollars go toward supporting an illegal and humiliating occupation of Palestinian land; the construction of illegal settlements; the annexation of Palestinian farmland; the purchase of weapons and arms used in night raids and military strikes. Right now American money finds its way to this part of the world where children and innocent civilians are killed, injured, and made to suffer. It also empowers the Israeli government to further ignore international law and perpetuate its intransigence.
These demonstrations in September will tell the US government to stop supporting this occupation and stand up for justice and freedom in Palestine, lets spread them far and wide accross the planet.​STOP-USAid-to-Israel/222256727​814644

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